Mercyline Tata

Mercyline Tata

Kenya Media and Communication Specialist Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Current and Emerging Threats to Crops

As a digital storyteller passionate about food and climate action, I firmly believe in the power of storytelling to transform narratives, shift perceptions, and shape culture. My mission is to ignite a positive change by showcasing the realities of farming and encouraging the youth to envision themselves as valuable contributors to the agricultural industry, especially in regions facing high unemployment rates.

With a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics, Media, and Communications, I have honed my skills in effective communication and narrative construction. My experience working with the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Current and Emerging Threats to Crops has provided me with insights into the challenges that modern agriculture faces. I am dedicated to utilizing this knowledge to bridge the gap between traditional farming and the digital age.

In today's world, farming has evolved beyond traditional practices. Through digital storytelling, I am dedicated to sharing inspiring stories of farmers who have successfully embraced research, innovative techniques, and sustainable practices. By showcasing the progress and achievements of these farmers, we create a compelling narrative that motivates young individuals to consider farming as a fulfilling and economically viable career choice.

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