EVENT NAME Grain Market: A Pull for Seed Businesses across Bean Corridors in Tanzania EVENT DATE: FRIDAY, 17 DECEMBER, 2021 - 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM EVENT BY: SHAUNTICE MCCORKLE Posted Questions [10:17 AM] Loretta asked : Excellent analysis on seed being managed by traders. But is there a complementary study on the amount of yellow bean seed that is being sold by ASA and private companies and given away by FAO, NGOs and government programs? 3 upvotes | 2 answers | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - The study with focuses on traders but it will be good to check on seed supplied by seed companies, ASA and QDS too Nikaj answered - Hi Loretta, although slightly different, the S34D activity, under which the yellow bean study was conducted, looked at Emergency Seed Interventions, Subsidies and the Formal Seed Sector: https://agrilinks.org/post/emergency-seed-interventions-subsidies-and-formal-seed-sector. [09:54 AM] Dr Emmanuel Monyo asked : Njano gololi and Selian 13 are one and the same. 2 upvotes | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - yes - you are right - it is only the traders or other give different names [10:59 AM] Stephen Walsh asked : Is there any rational to restrict the sales of yellow bean - as seed - based on a mandatory QDS/CERT process? 2 upvotes | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:37 AM] anonymous asked : Will this meeting be recorded and available to participants? 1 upvote | 1 answer | 1 reply Michael Saltz answered - Yes this meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the Agrilinks YouTube channel. We will send a link to the recording to everyone who registered. anonymous replied - Thank you! [09:45 AM] anonymous asked : For Gaudencia Bakilile, what percent of your company's sales and profit are from bean seed? Could your seed company be profitable only selling bean seed? 1 upvote | 2 answers | 0 reply Gaudensia answered - Our company link SHFs with bean producer to access the input. Gaudensia answered - by using seed, the production per acre increase from 20kg to 120kg to at least 580kg - 620kg per acre. [09:55 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : Is the nutritional value of yellow bean substantially different from other beans? If not, why the preference for yellow beans over other beans? 1 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - The consumers like yellow bean varieties because of their good taste, minimum flatulence, short cooking time- however it is not all the yellow bean varieties but some of them - that is why the varieties are priced differently [09:57 AM] Roger Shongo asked : I am very interested in the strategy developed by this research work and by the plant material because I am working on the value chains of legumes with high commercial value for a future project in the DRC in Kasai. Groundnuts for vegetable oil production, I'm looking for the right varieties. I am a 1 upvote | 2 answers | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - yes - we can share the tools - please email to Eliud : e.birachi@cgiar.org or j.c.rubyogo@cgiar.org Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - send email to e.birachi@cgiar.org [10:21 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : Since beans are self-pollenated and thus little decrease in genetic purity between generations, would it be easier and cheaper to train farms on maintaining seed over the off season, to minimize the need certified seed each year, or spread the number of years between getting certified seed except to 1 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - sure - you are right that is there is QDS and also some traders contract farmers to produce locally accepted seed [10:22 AM] Jason Wiesinger asked : For Dick Tinsley: Here is a link to an article describing the nutritional advantage of yellow beans as compared to other market classes DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10111609 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:47 AM] Otim Okello Francis asked : Small scale farmers in Uganda do not honour contract farming especially where there are many buyers, how have you ensured farmers loyalty -G2L? Small price differences they sell to other buyers 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:47 AM] Carl Wahl asked : Dr. Tinsley - Tricky one on maize in many countries, mainly because commercial demands for color might be more uniform; also, urban types may prefer purchase of ground maize (vs. whole grain) for ugali. It's not to say OPV / landrace maize aren't kept, but they are likely less available in markets. 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:47 AM] Raymond Glahn asked : I see there is a question about "biofortified" yellow beans. As a researcher on Fe nutrition from beans, we have published several studies demonstrating that certain varieties within the yellow bean market class have high Fe bioavailability (ie. delivery). Thus, effectively biofortifed 1 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:53 AM] Domisian Mabula asked : What is the other name of Kigoma njano-bean? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:56 AM] anonymous asked : Eliud: 1. You indicated the yellow bean was unknown 10 years, yet you also indicated it is the most traded? Also have the tastes changed recently to drive growth? 2. Was there verification of the figures stated by the traders? US$27 million is quite an amount that is 'visible' when it moves 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Q1: Yellow bean was available 10 years ago, but not at the current scale. Most of it was restricted to the West of the country, but had the preferred consumer traits. The newer varieties enabled yellow bean to extend to other areas. Consumers have largely switched to yellow bean over time, driving demand further Q2: The amounts are empirical from the traders, they were all visited at their stores. This is verifiable. In the markets, it is very visible [09:59 AM] Dr. Mashamba Philipo asked : Is there any reason as to why Uyole 16 variety was traded more compared to the other yellow bean types? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 1 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Many yellow bean varieties are quite old and with low yields. Uyole 16 provides much improvement while keeping market preferences intact Dr. Mashamba Philipo replied - Thanks for your response [09:59 AM] Stephen Walsh asked : Curious if the seed issues vary within these yellow bean varieties -- also from the grain legume perspective, which of these varieties are driving the yellow bean market? 0 upvote | 2 answers | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - The major drivers are the medium round type, such as Selian 13 and those indicted as "Gololi" types Louise Sperling answered - Important question. The answer is 'yes' the yellows are very very different- in terms of demand... current market share.... more later [09:59 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : Does Tanzania aond other coiuntries in the corridor do the government have the financial resources to provide a valid ccertified seed program, or will it be like in Nigeria the certification be mostly on the honor system? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 1 reply Eliud Birachi answered - The seed certification in the country is well established from the investments previously made by the government. private companies have grown to 13 from just 1 in five 5ears, illustrating the capacity of the certification system by government. it need not be expensive Dick Tinsley replied - formal seed certification requires 3 visit a season plus some germination test, this requires transportation and considerable time. Does the government have these financial resources? When working Madibiras on rice, we could not find any certified rice seed. [09:59 AM] Roger Shongo asked : I am also interested in this yellow bean how can I get the right varieties to introduce them to the DRC to the west, because we have serious problems with chronic food insecurity. 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - You may get in contact with INERA Mvuazi station or write to Teshale.Mamo@cgiar.org who will further assist [10:03 AM] anonymous asked : I am keen to understand the difference in informal seed and grain as moved by the trader. Do they handle these differently? 0 upvote | 2 answers | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Yes, they handle differently. The study report has the different ways the two are handled. You can access the full report from Agrilink or to me on e.birachi@cgiar.org for a copy Nikaj answered - Full report can be found here: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00XS8V.pdf [10:05 AM] Dr Emmanuel Monyo asked : The fact that non of the big traders source planting materials from seed companies or from research tells us that they really do not know what they are missing. They may assume wrongly that there is no difference 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - You are right, and this forms a major point of intervention to bridge this gap [10:06 AM] Carl Wahl asked : @Anonymous - reference to the Agrilinks article https://agrilinks.org/post/yellow-bean-corridor-seed-grain-trade-potential and Dr. Sperling, et al article: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/16/8897/pdf 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Nikaj answered - Full report can be found here: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00XS8V.pdf [10:07 AM] anonymous asked : Thanks for the presentation. Did you mean to say that informal seed (grain) is good seed and good business or did i misunderstand you> 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Informal trade is big business, with big potential, but the planting materials (informal seed) may not be good if they are not well handled as traders lack some skills to maintain high quality [10:07 AM] Lovemore Mutaviri asked : What are the major problem pests of beans in Tanare insecticides the major control method? What impact do the pesticide residues have on the health of consumers? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:08 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : how easy is it to visable tell the difference between seed varieties? Rice it is usually reasonable possible. 0 upvote | 1 answer | 1 reply Louise Sperling answered - The yellows are quite variable in size, shape and color. That said, there are a few types that are a bit hard to distinguish . Training would be useful.. Dick Tinsley replied - so if only a few varieties are available in the market, farmers can readily tell the degree of variety contamination in the informal seed> [10:09 AM] Carl Wahl asked : Dr. Tinsley this speaks to your genetic pump idea. 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Louise Sperling answered - We would welcome exchanging more ideas on 'genetic infusion' or 'genetic pump' . What are the more effective entry points.... [10:09 AM] Lovemore Mutaviri asked : What are the major problem pests of beans in Tanzania? Are insecticides the major control method? What impact do the pesticide residues have on the health of consumers? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - major pests are aphis and bean stem maggot - we dont promote pesticides but sometimes they are several pesticides in the market [10:10 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : Carl, here is the reference: https://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/smallholderagriculture/The_Crop_Genetic_Pump.pdf 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:12 AM] Stephen Walsh asked : Are there any seed quality reasons to make QDS or formal seed certification a requirement to sell yellow bean? A strict quality control regime could serve as a barrier to the business model for traders and promote the yellow bean business model for commercial seed companies - but at what C/B? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - Even if the law does not recognize potential seed from the traders - it does stop the traders to sell potential seed to farmers [10:17 AM] anonymous asked : Gaudensia Do you buy bean grain that has been produced from QDS and certified seed (formal seed) only? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Gaudensia answered - Yes, we prefer that, this is to avoid getting different variety of common bean of yellow bean variety [10:22 AM] Dr. Mashamba Philipo asked : I would like to know, how Uyole 96 discoloration occurs. Is it due to continuous planting to next generations or during storage? 0 upvote | 2 answers | 1 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - The discoloration is genetic factor and we are planning to breed varieties with slow darkening Dr. Mashamba Philipo replied - Thanks for your response Jeffrey Ehlers answered - JC is correct that it can be solved with a new variety. In the meantime, high moisture and temperature storage accelerates the discoloration process. So keep the beans at 10% moisture or less will help a lot! [10:25 AM] anonymous asked : Gaudensia: In your collaboration with TARI and seed companies, what have you agreed as a way forward for red beans that do not discolour and sugar beans - take advantage of SADC and COMESA harmonized seed regulations? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Gaudensia answered - First to close contracts with buyer after submitt the bean grain sample to them especially for red beans this will depend on how soon we get seed from seed supplier, for sugar bean we are in negotiation with buyer to close the contract before our farmer start producing. [10:29 AM] Kas Banage asked : Kas Banage (Me) just now Are any of the Yellow bean varieties bio-fortified? How does one get details? kasaija.banage@gmail.com 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Biofortified yellow beans are not yet released but there are efforts in breeding. you may got more information from Teshale.Mamo@cgiar.org [10:29 AM] Naomi Sakane asked : I want to thank the organizers and presenters for putting up this event together. It's very informative. Please did you conduct any analysis on the consumers' market to inform the way forward? Thanks. 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - We did not survey consumers but we asked the traders what consumers prefer in the bean they buy, as a proxy for consumer preferences [10:34 AM] Dr Emmanuel Monyo asked : The fact that these varieties are new and TARI/TOSCI have been consistently injecting new seed into the system the informal system have been very efficient as a result. Continuous injection of new seed through improvement of the EGS supply system and link to the private sector is critical 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:35 AM] Loretta asked : More than one presenter mentioned the lack of quality "early generation seed". With all of the investment in this area why is there still a shortage of breeder and foundation seed? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:37 AM] anonymous asked : Louise: These released varieties that are now in farmers hands, where did they come from? Are they not traditional varieties that were cleaned up and released? Otherwise we will be telling a different story 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:38 AM] Mohamed Tork asked : How we can contact you ! 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:40 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : How would you apply this hybrid maize, or should be concentrate maize on open pollenated lines, so the informal sector seed supply? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:48 AM] Grace Ene Anyebe asked : I'm not sure I quite caught this part. But considering the market is an informal one and most seeds were initially not bought from seed companies, what actions led to the increase in the number of seed companies now producing and selling these improved varieties? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:49 AM] Dr Claid Mujaju asked : Colleagues, I am not convinced with the answers that traders know how to differentiate beans existing informally. I believe that there is need of a study into delineating different varieties and how they can be distinguished. This will allow for policies to be focused on identifiable varieties. 0 upvote | 2 answers | 0 reply Eliud Birachi answered - Traders know what bean types they need to meet their customer's demands. But they are not able to differentiate varieties, lack of variety information was one of the constraints. DNA analysis was conducted on the varieties to delineate them. Jeffrey Ehlers answered - This is a very important issue, especially as new 'identical varieties' are developed! I think the solution will eventually be training and digital tracking of seed sources/fields from the EGS to Certified/QDS to informal fields. Very doable with todays digitial tools [10:52 AM] Otim Okello Francis asked : The driver for success in LSB depends in increased production / commercialisation otherwise other commodities can have dead rock. What is your take? 0 upvote | 1 answer | 0 reply Jean Claude Rubyogo answered - the market is very key - you are right [10:56 AM] Enid Katungi asked : For legumes formal seed faces a high competition from the informal seed. by promoting informal seed , what will happen to the emerging formal seed systems in these countries? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:57 AM] Dick Tinsley asked : Thank you for a very interesting webinar. I very much appreciate the emphasis on private sector and informal seed supply. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [10:59 AM] Roger Shongo asked : I need to import seed as private actor of yellow been for DRC ? where can i sourced seed how can i proceded trought research stations of tanzania or private seed producer or traders have you the discription of caracters? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:00 AM] Naomi Sakane asked : Moving forward, I would strongly recommend the team to conduct a foresight study on the grain beans demand on the short, medium, and long-term time spectrum in the region. This will robustly inform the seed demand and source the required investment to timely meet this demand. Thank you. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:01 AM] Noël Templer asked : The formal system can (needs to) be complementary to the informal. As recent as last month, we saw traders provide seed to a pool of their farmer customers to plant for grain they already need for a particular market. These farmers would have a choice to get seed from stockists but go to traders! 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:01 AM] Carl Wahl asked : Thank you Dr. Sperling for commenting on informal seed selection at the farmer level. Is there further study on household seed selection? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:01 AM] Essau Mwendo Phiri asked : It seems yeloow bean seed and grain growth has been impressive over a decade despite climate change challenges over the same period. What is your take? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:03 AM] Stephen Walsh asked : Agree on the need to 'integrate' but integration has actually meant to 'accept' as opposed to 'invest' for the informal system. 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [11:08 AM] Dr Claid Mujaju asked : What characterizes traders? Is there policy governing their operations? 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply Deleted Questions [09:41 AM] Khalid Omar Ali asked : the session are started? no voice 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:44 AM] anonymous asked : I cannot see the slides 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:55 AM] anonymous asked : https://magazines.wur.nl/n2africa/the-legume-alliance/ 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply [09:57 AM] Patricia Onyango asked : www.pabra-africa.org for more information about beans in Africa 0 upvote | 0 answer | 0 reply